Sunday, November 30, 2008

A little taste of London

From the architectural point of view I don't like London. There are astonishing buildings with remarkable decorations and great seals, heritage of the amazing legacy left by the old British Empire. But facing these buildings you can find horrible dark structures from the 70´s and in some cases the (in)harmony is completed when these buildings are scratched by an ultramodern top technology skyscraper. That's London and that's part of its center. On top of that, I don't like the color of the brick, a dark brown that gets even hazier when is wet, what in London it occurs pretty much often. Comparisons are hateful, but in this case I'd rather stay with the exquisiteness of the Parisian blocks.

However, London is a wonderful capital, one of the most important cultural centers of the world. Whatever you go, whatever you may think of, you'll find in London. There is always something going on and for sure no time to get bored in this city. What could you do in a cloudy Sunday day with nothing prepared in advance ?

Get up late (is Sunday!), then have a shower and go to a French bakery to have a midday brunch: delicious homemade cakes covered with based on wild fruits jams, a crunchy croissant filled in almonds, squeezed oranges coming from Valencia and and why not, accompanied by a delicious cappuccino with a taste of ginger or scented Japanese thees. Then take the subway and "mind the gap !". The first stop over could be an art gallery. In the wharf opposed to Waterloo you can find several cultural centers. Right now I wouldn't miss the world press photo exhibition. Just amazing ! After that why not enjoying in the same cultural center of some live music played by a new band of young talents. Next walk into the center and its charm, browse some books in an open-air old library settled in the Thames promenade and on the way towards St. Paul cathedral drink a pint in a cozy brewery. Move on to the museum of London. It is very interesting getting known about the fire that devastated the city in the XVII century. After that lose yourself up at the Barbican center. Who dare to design this ? Because I still have no clear what is it ! Either you'll love it or you'll hate it. But worth a visit.
If your body still needs a bit more let´s get back to the Southbank Center. There is always something going on there. This time there was a BBC jazz festival. Here you have an exemple of two bands that were playing. First one, an alternative grumpy jazz metal band. Something that you'd never dare to buy, but a life is worth to listen once... And second, Richard Mitchell elegant jazz.

(...tomorrow I'll hang here these two passes of the gigs...)

And let's finish this journey with a just cooked crunchy taste of pork marinated in rosemary and other spices with homemade appel jam. Gozzzzz !!! And ei, this is just a little of all that can be done ! Did you have enough for this Sunday ?

Monday, November 24, 2008

La cúpula de la vergüenza

Esta semana pasada la cúpula que adorna la sala XX del Palacio de Naciones de la ONU en Ginebra ha sido noticia. Y vaya noticia... La renovación de esta sala ha costado la friolera de cerca de 20 millones de euros, que si por si queda alguna duda de la magnitud de la tragedia, en pesetas de las antiguas hacen unos 3300 millones. Ahí es nada !

Los detalles asociados a la renovación de esta sala vienen acompañados de una serie de disparates que no hay por donde cogerlos. ¿ Qué señor/es puede/n tener la cara tan dura para aprobar dicho presupuesto ? Desde luego alguien a quien le importa bien poco el resto de los mortales que no compartan su exquisito círculo de pseudo-intelectuales. ¿ Crisis ? ¿ Quién ha dicho que hay crisis ? El señor Barceló, después de sus innumerables fracasos, se debe de haber jactado al poder vivir una segunda infancia jugando al paintball con mangueras en vez de pistolas de pintura, bajo el pretexto de reproducir un mar con distintos reflejos dependiendo del ángulo con el que se mire. Imagino que aquellos que sepan algo de física y óptica se habran echado una carcajada ante tan burda explicación. Seguro que los ganadores del último Nóbel de medicina (que contribuyen a salvar vidas) o el último Nóbel de física y química (que contribuyen al avance tecnológico) cobraran en varios años lo que este señor ha cobrado por dejarnos su incalculable legado artístico. Gracias Barceló.

Pero los despropósitos alrededor de esta obra sublime no se quedan ahí. De la partida destinada a esta "fenomenal obra" de arte comtemporáneo 500.000€ ( es decir, unos 90 millones de pesetas) vienen de los Fondos de Ayuda al Desarrollo (FAD). ¿ Fondos de Ayuda a quién ? Ya lo he entendido. Los señores mandatarios que se reúnan en la futura sala de la Alianza de Civilizaciones se sentirán mucho más inspirados y con ganas de contribuir al Desarrollo de los países menos evolucionados al mirar al techo, es decir, es una inversión de futuro que se amortizará en tan sólo un par de reuniones... Y aún más bochornoso si cabe, el 40% de esta obra viene de fondos públicos de los contribuyentes españoles... Mejor que esto no lo sepan muchos, porque en famosos tiempos de crisis más de uno se va a cabrear (y con razón).

La cantidad de atropellos que giran alrededor de esta obra no caben en la cabeza de una persona normal, ni siquiera en la de los políticos que allí se reúnan. Más de uno mientras se tome un canapé se preguntará por el fenómeno que ha sido capaz de justificar "esto". Mientrastanto nuestro querido Rey no tiene más remedio que poner buena cara y decir que bonito esta todo esto el día de su inauguración.

Bonito y elegante será todo lo que se quiera pero, ¿ de verdad se necesita invertir esta barbaridad de dinero para renovar una sala de reuniones ? ¿ No existen modos más austeros de decorarla con clase y lujo sin tener que malgastar el presupuesto de todos ? No quiero ni imaginar lo que upondría dedicar esta partida de dinero por ejemplo a investigación, a reformas institucionales, a educación, a conservación de la biodiversidad, entre otros... Lo más gracioso (si es que tiene gracia) es que nuestras instituciones europeas, aquellas que luchan y abogan por los derechos de todos y luchan contra la pobreza, contra la desigualdad, contra el analfabetismo, etc. ,(principalmente en Bruselas), están rodeadas de lujos, despilfarros, sueldos astronómicos, que si algunos supieran provocarian una revuelta social...
Pues bien, la cúpula de del despilfarro ya está bautizada popularmente como la cúpula de los pobres.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


[...] I wouldn't say that I miss you but I think very often of you. Even in the case I missed you very much it wouldn't be fair telling this to you, from this 'uckn perspective. But I do too, I do think of you quite often. You probably have that philosophical part which i miss or I can't / don´t want to see. Perhaps I look rather to those external things, perhaps my very old age have something to do (although i definitely thing that i don't follow the "normal" patterns of those who get my age ), but in the way this society is constructed, it is nearly always true that those external things that affect the live drive you primarely to happiness, or at least help in the search for that happiness. External, tangible things are very linked to happiness too, to the good-feeling sense, we'd like it or not. Internal things are undoubtadely more honest with yourself, are those which will really make you feel good as a person and exactly as you look like and with what you have. But unfortunately this is a building that can break down in any moment, not in harmony with the external things. It is sort of utopia as it happens with the perfect, best of all politic systems in the earth : the comunism. [...]

- Unknown author, but worth to read -

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Georgia vs Russia (PART-II) : Chill out

It's true, I let it go, didn't write the second part right straight, but I think it's even worthier 'cause makes things even clearer. After several private requests here you have the second part. I'll make it sort, no worth make it longer...

So what's A.P. ? Simple : authorities and politics ! Time gave me the reason. They were just war games, too much noise and some diplomatic provocations, but that's it. The deep world economical crisis has substituted any other important dossier, as that "war" was. It is true that likely Sarkozy played a very important role, key in the mediation to stop all kind of armed hostilities, but I guess that in one or another way the end of this story would have been the same. Nobody wanted this war, USA is already immersed in some other wars, EU wants to be the mediator of all world problems, an exemple for the world (and still not able to solve its own ones), Russia had no chance in this war...

But the horrible part of this is that a majority of civilians did not have anything to do in this war. Russians were acting in the name of Russia, but did politics think about its already suffered and very punished population ? Now that economical prosperity seems to scratch again new layers of the russian population, of course interest zero to get back again... And georgians ? Did somebody think about georgian population when authorities challenged russians tanks ? I was about to hang up two extracts of a couple of friends of mine, one russian and one georgian, about what they thought about this war.... I won't 'cause this is already "past", but their messages were concluding : "We don't care about this war, we just want to leave in peace ! I wish politics lived in a world far from ours".

New English period

Ei, don't be afraid, values are in miles/h !

Back barely a week ago, I took my car and I saw Toulouse getting smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared in the rear-view mirror of my car. Then I realized that this time yes, this time is was not for holidays, for an excursion or just for a few days away. The french period of my life was over, or at least it is over until a new job will get my back over there. It is sad 'cause after so much time I leave many things behind but life is like this and new changes likely prevent us for being away from routine, make our lives more interesting though.

The British welcome is not cozy, specially in autumn, but I was mentally prepared for that. From Paris to Calais clouds were getting ready to discharge loads of water. And after the funny Eurotunnel cross things didn't get better, rather worse. First thing to do when you enter in UK by car is "changing your chip" as driving is on left side. The most dangerous are roundabouts. You better drive slowly, carefully and just to be sure look to all directions ;-) Apart from that, food based on meat, baguette almost nonexistent, pint of beer is almost like drinking a glass of water and then obviously fights during weekends get also sort of national sport, the service in restaurants is generally much better than the southeuropean average, be ready to pay for e-ve-ry-thing and more expensive than in your own country, big supermarkets opened 24h (what i find very useful), lifestyle closer to american standards with semi-detached houses with garden, etc. By the way, in average bikes are used very little... A pity !

Welcome to UK !

Saturday, October 25, 2008

soirée adieu

Et voilà quelque photos promises du dernier (cette fois si, snif, snif) événement.

" La fin du chemin est arrivée, il y avait un feuillage épais, des arbres très difficiles à grimper, d'autres plus faciles, même un étang de couleur bleu ciel baigné par des chênes hébergent des belles créatures. Mais la fin du chemin est arrivée, je me trouve au sommet de cette montagne. Maintenant il faut la descendre pour se faire un bain de gloire [...] "


Dis ouiiiii

équipement DJ

Canapé AIRBUS - CNES - Météo

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

À la prochaine, Toulouse / See you, Toulouse.

Every story has a beginning and an end. It seems that I'm reaching the end of my
long adventure in
Toulouse. Happiness and sadness, smiles and tears mixed up... For
sure, I'll miss it ! Maybe see you soon Toulouse. Little party before departure ?

Hola !

Eh non, vous ne vous êtes pas trompés, moi non-plus, je "fête" ma (dé)pendaison de
crémaillère ! Première et dernière fête chez moi ! Probablement vous le savez déjà,
presque cinq ans de la histoire de ma vie à Toulouse, je déménage vers des
terres plus humides.
Je me sens vraiment triste, car Toulouse me plait, car
Toulouse me fait sentir très bien, car
je laisse de bons amis à Toulouse et car une
petite partie de moi appartient déjà à la ville
rose... Mais la vie est comme ça et
la nouvelle opportunité est à ne pas manquer.

Alors venez nombreux le prochain samedi 4 Octobre à partir de 21h00 pour un
rencontre avec moi (je préfère ne l'appeler pas "fêter"). Je fournirai
boissons et des trucs
à grignoter. Si vous voulez, amenez quelque chose afin
d'assurer les existences jusqu'à bien
entrée la nuit. Pas de soucis pour amener
des amis/copains/amants/connus... Mais s'il vous
plait, je vous remercierai si
vous me confirmez ou pas votre présence, questions de logistique,
au plus tarde
mardi de la semaine prochaine. Faites un forward si j'oublie qqn (côté météo)!

29, rue d'Antipoul, appt.7. À 200m du métro Patte d'Oie et à 5 min à pied de la
St. Cyprien


Hola !

No dears, neither you nor me made a mistake, I celebrate my housewarming/
farewell party !
First and last party in my apartment ! You likely know it already,
after five intense years of
my life in Toulouse I move to more humid lands. I feel
really sad, 'cause I like Toulouse, 'cause
Toulouse make me feel good, 'cause I
leave very good friends over here and 'cause a little bit of
myself belongs yet
to "la ville rose"... But life is like it is and this new opportunity is

Therefore folks, come next saturday the 4th of October from 21h00 for a last
meeting with me
(I'd rather not using "partying"). I'll provide beverages and stuff
to nibble. If you want,
bring something with you so we can assure stocks till deep
night... No problem to take with you
friends/boyfriends/lovers/... But please, I'd
be very glad whether you could confirm your
attendance (or not) before tuesday of
next week, logistic reasons ! Please, forward this
email to anybody I might be

29, rue d'Antipoul, appt.7. To 200m of metro Patte d'Oie and to 5 min walking
distance from
Place St.Cyprien.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Georgie vs Russia (PART-1) : Russia, the impolite bad boy.

Russian A.P. entered into an armed conflict with Georgians A.P. justified by a supposed military Georgian A.P. agression to a pro-russian (with russians) region. But we all know how M. Saakashvili (Georgian President) childly took the bait thrown by Russians A.P. Russian P. tanks were waiting behind the Roki tunnel to Saakashvili order of entering into armed conflict in Ossetia and Abjazia territories. How can you explain that a good bunch of tanks and well trained russian A.P. army was just a few meters behind the internationally recognized border with Ossetia ? From Moscow (and from many military russian A.P. stations) to Ossetia there are many hundred of kms ! Tanks are not well known for their speed yet ! Too much suspicious... In any case, I can admit that it might be just purely speculation. In my humble opinion, Russian A.P. were just waiting patiently in their armchair the mistake of Saakashvili who has provoked such a mess.

Why should Russia A.P. be so interested at these "tiny" regions ? Why to trigger off an international crisis ? Is not Russia big enough to fight for just a few hundred of square kms ? This strategy has been very well planned :

- Firstly, Russian A.P. could justify his actions pointing back to the Kosovo speech.

- Secondly, Russian A.P. can rejustify his actions supporting an "humanitary action" against the georgian A.P. agression.

- Third, Russian A.P. have never accepted the dissolution of the ex-comunist imperium. Is it sort of the "bad loser" in many wars and they still hide some resentment. They live under the shade of US power. No doubt, another way to fjustify their presence over there.

- Fourth, they want to reafirmate as a very powerful and influencing country, and nothing can be done without taken into account Russians A.P.

- And finally and mainly, this is simply the war for the gas !

This war does not benefit anybody, but still less to all Russians. Russians A.P. know perfectly that nowadays they cannot face the duet EU/USA economically and militarly. Socially they'd have a big modern opposition tired of wars and far from the soviet feeling. It'd also be an important brake for the development of their economy. But Russians A.P. have been pretty intelligent, just pushing till the point of the provocation, unveiling EU disfonctionning in many points and proclaiming promises which not necessarely and have to be accomplished (the world of the diplomacy). I bet they won't fall off the cliff...

And who is the winner and who is the loser of this supposed "war" ? (in part II)

Monday, September 08, 2008

Toulouse à la nuit

Et comme complément de la beauté de Toulouse à la tombée du jour (, voilà des jolies vues vers le Pont Neuf et le centre ville depuis l'agréable Pont de St. Pierre. Qui a dit que Toulouse n'est pas romantique ?

Vue du Pont Neuf à la nuit imprégné de la fraîcheur de la Garonne

Un peu spectacle lumières

Le Pont Neuf qui change à rouge avec la lune comme témoine

L'art de ser valencià !

Podràs saber conduir o no, podràs tindre més o menys gust per vestir-te a la moda, podràs tindre més o menys ma per la cuina..., però el que és clar es que si ets nascut à València sabràs fer una paella ! Siga per la tradició, siga perque els valencians estén molt acostumats a la paella dels diumenges, de les falles o de les festes de qualsevol poble, siga pel que siga, però tot valencià sap fer una paella, o al menys té la recepta al cap, com part de la saviesa popular.

I que és la paella ? Quines son els seus ingredients ? Desgraciadament al estranger es pot veure tota classe d'aberració culinària con respecte a la susdita paella : xoriço, cigrons, salsitxa... Bufffff... No, no, no... I tampoc fa falta anar molt lluny per n'adonar-se que els mateixos espagnols no tenen molt clar el significat gastronòmic, cultural i social d'una paella. Encara pitjor, la paraula "paella" es mal-utilitzada per tot arreu, en Espagna i fora, com atractiu publicitari dels turistes i a vegades, els pobres, tenen que menjar una barreja de sobres del dia anterior. Per aquests "atrapa-turistes" sense escrúpols dins la paella es pot ficar de tot... Potser tots els espanyols es senten identificats amb el flamenc o els toros ? Potser els gallecs es senten identificats amb el gaspatxo o els andalusos amb les vieires ? Doncs moraleja, cadascú al seu !

I voilà aquí a que es pareix una deliciosa paella valenciana feta aquest ultim cap de setmana, amb els pocs ingredients que es poden trobar a Toulouse... Ni marisc, ni xoriço ni pebrot... només paella valenciana !

coent-se, prenent forma

llista per gaudir-ne

i per què no acabar amb un saborós postres de fruita mediterrania ?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ascensión a la cima de los Pirineos. El Monte Perdido.

¿ Perdido, perdido ? No tan perdido, la subida al Monte Perdido debería hacerse tomando como base el refugio de Goriz, dónde se puede acampar igualmente. Subir el mismo día desde la Pradera es posible, pero te arriesgas a que al día siguiente te tengan que levantar con una grúa o tengan que ir a buscarte en helicóptero. Aún así, la subida desde Goriz es también bastante dura, con unos 1200m de desnivel, algunos de los cuales son especialmente pontiagudos...

No olvidar : martillo y tacos de hielo en caso de condiciones difíciles, calzado de montaña, agua y comida, gorro, sweater, polar o chaqueta impermeable (en un buen día de pleno verano las temperaturas allí arriba pueden oscilar alrededor de los 0 grados !), bastones muy recomendables para la bajada, una cámara de fotos, una buena ración de motivación y una sonrisa.

La ascensión podría considerarse como accesible, larga, más dura unos tramos, menos dura otras, pero accesible para la mayoría, hasta el tramo final. Unos 600m con una pendiente muy pronunciada, llena de piedras pequeñas mezclada con tierra muy resbaladiza que no permiten agarrarse y en dónde uno rápidamente puede venirse abajo moralmente. No es el tiempo de desistir del objetivo. Hazlo muy poco a poco, no tengas miedo y la recompensa bien valdrá la pena. Aunque no tengas sed, bebe regularmente para evitar la deshidratación y los consecuentes malestares físicos.

He aquí cuelgo mi narración personal del último tramo de la ascensión. ¡ Buena suerte ! :

Llegada a los 2800 m. Lo peor está por llegar...

3000 m. Empieza la fiesta...

3200 m. ¡ Atención con los que tengan vértigo !

3300 m. ¡ No puedo más !

En la cima... ¡ Objetivo conseguido !

Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido

Hay que reconocerlo, una joya, la obra maestra de los ya por sí impresionantes Pirineos. Si alguien se pregunta por qué este Parque Nacional desde 1918 pasó a ser declarado en 1998 Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad por la Unesco, tan sólo le invito a darse una vuelta y encontrar su respuesta.
Una visita que deje un muy buen sabor de boca debería al menos agrupar la visita al cañón de Ordesa, subida hasta el refugio de Goriz y ascensión al Monte Perdido. Para todo este trayecto deberían bien reservarse al menos tres días, tener unas condiciones físicas buenas y a menos que se esté buscando alpinismo extremo, ¡ mejor la visita en verano !

Día 1 : En primer lugar, la entrada y subida al Parque Nacional hasta "La Pradera" sólo puede hacerse en autobús desde Torla (precio del billete sencillo 3€), o andando (1h30 - 2h). Desde "La Pradera" recomiendo el trayecto hasta la "Cola de Caballo" por el camino de abajo (para no quemarse a las primeras de cambio), transcurriendo por preciosas cascadas. Después, subida al refugio de Goriz dónde pasaremos la noche (ojo, a menos que llevéis tienda de campaña, mejor llamar antes al refugio). Durante la tarde, si no estás muy cansado, alrededor de Goriz hay numerosos picos bastante accesibles que bien valen la pena y que probablemente te permitirán ver alguna que otra marmota.

Las cascadas de Soaso, de camino hacia la cola de Caballo

La subida hacia Goriz en primera persona

El pie del cañón de Ordesa

Las marmotas muy curiosas y ruidosas en la tarde

Coronando uno de los numerosos picos que se erigen alrededor del Mte. Perdido

Día 2 : Ascensión al Monte Perdido. No olvidar ropa de abrigo, gorro, agua, algo de comer y calzado de montaña. Los bastones, aunque no necesarios, sí muy recomendables. Preguntar también en Goriz (por cierto, gente muy maja) si la subida necesita de tacos de hielo y martillo. Y alehop, cuenta entre 4 y 5 h, por lo menos, para llegar a la cima. Sobretodo no desmotivarse en la última subida, muy dura, ¡ pero ya queda un poquito ! A la bajada una buena idea es mojarse los pies en el "Lago Helado" (si es que lo puedes resistir por la helor del agua), a los pies de la última gran rampa de subida. Finalmente llegada a Goriz, dónde puedo asegurar necesitaréis un buen descanso.

Los primeros bloques de nieve perpetua van apareciendo por encima de los 2800 m

El lago helado quedándose pequeño en la última ascensión al Mte Perdido

Un mar de nubes envolviendo las laderas montañosas desde la tercera cima de los Pirineos

Día 3 : Vuelta a la Pradera por el camino de arriba. Prometo que las vistas son para dejar la boca abierta durante mucho tiempo. Simplemente increíble. También durante este recorrido puede verse la Brecha de Rolando allí a lo lejos, otra de las atracciones turísticas de este paraje. La última bajada con un desnivel de 700m se hace muy dura, las piernas están ya muy castigadas... Si llegas a la Pradera, ¡ enhorabuena, lo has conseguido !

El cañón de Ordesa con la cola de Caballo al fondo

Último break antes del último agudo descenso hasta La Pradera

Más información aquí

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Destiny? Who does truly believe in it? I have to admit it. I'm one of those who believe that future is not written. I'd rather say that it's up to you the way you build up the road of your life. And only you have the power to modify it. Nevertheless, when some incredible coincidences come across the line of your life, when unbelievable things happen to you, then you may reformulate the answer to the destiny question. What if I'm wrong and destiny is just there ? What if an event happens because it has to happen ? Some of my personal examples just to think about it...

# Five years ago I found myself in the center of Vienna when suddenly somebody gently touched my back. Joaquín? What the ___ !!! He was a secondary-school mate, there, in the center of Vienna, after 13 years.

# A few years ago I received a phone call from a very old friend of mine. After 15 years with no news. Today we are good friends.

# Not long ago I jumped into a random tram, into a random wagon in Brussels and I found a friend from Russia ! What are you doing here ? Unbelievable, no way, embarrassing situation, I couldn't even remember her name. I should ask a mathematician for the probability to happen that meeting, that day, in that place, at that time with that person. I bet unbelievable low. But it happened !

# When all seems ready for my departure to rainy lands, then my nearly dreamed job come up in Lisbon. Why there ? Why now ? So what to do ?

# But my last unbelievable meeting just a couple of weeks ago have made me think about destiny. I was in the center of Warsaw, alone, walking around, random time, random walk. Then I decided to have a little break. The lighting was perfect for a nice picture. I'd like to take a picture of this place with me ! I raised my head, looked around me and I found somebody with big sunglasses not far from me. I'm going to ask her to take me a picture : "Please, would you mind to take me a picture ?" ; "Joaquin ?" ; "Ehrrrrrr??" She took off her sunglasses... Jesussssssss, no way, just impossible. I found Daniela, an Italian girl who I met once in a party and who I barely know but who I got to know much better that evening. And this meeting, for me is just incredible for many circumstances ! Why ? How is that possible ? Destiny ? Why ?
And here a couple of the pictures who certify my last random astonishing meeting !

Destiny ? Yes or not ???

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The french Mediterranean, Canet plage and Collioure.

Have you ever visited the southern most part of the French Mediterranean coast ? Well, I'd say that it's worth to have a look ! For those who love virgin nature and quiet places this is not probably the best place where to go, 'cause all around you'll find many high-block buildings licking the sea shore. But where actually along the Mediterranean coast can you came across an untouched spot ? Likely nowhere, and nevertheless this is one of the most visited areas worldwide ! So, what's the secret ? Well, if you have never visited this part, go just once, and either you'll be astonished by the lively atmosphere, the beaches, the sun, the night promenades accompanied with the sea breeze, ..., or you'll just hate it, such amount of people !!!

Voilà a glance of Canet Plage and Collioure.

Canet Plage, what to say, I didn't like it, nothing special apart from the amazing beach of several tens of km non-stop. Perfect place to suntan and have a deserved holidays not further than beach-swimming pool-feeding yourself-muck around...

- Colourful photo in front of a portion of Canet Plage -

- Nice dinner with the traveling greek-english family, but horrible frozen fish. What did you expect at the first line of the beach ? -

- Self-photo with the irish army at the refreshing sea shore -

And then in summer, not even dare to take the small roads along the beach if your next destination is the quite well known town of Collioure. No, unless you like desperating traffic-jams at 35 degrees. You rather drive back to Perpignan and take the comfortable highroad to Collioure.
Well, you're arriving to Collioure, the town is down the mountains, the scenery quite beautiful. Upon arrival, first thing is how the hell to find a place to park the car... Sunday, summer, puffff... go far my friend and try not to lose your nerves. Because afterwards, Collioure is a very beautiful summer town, crowded by tourists (of course), but picturesque, plenty of nice corners worth to explore and with a transparent chilly water. Recommended yes !

- better use all kind of gadgets to protect yourself from the sun, or next day you'll seem a burnt prawn -

- the "old" town has lovely narrow and plenty of local color streets and corridors -

- " a la rica sangría de vivos colores " ! -

- Collioure, reality or postcard. Guess it ! -

Dépression post-vacances à Toulouse ???

Rien de mieux qu'une semaine plein d'évènements pour faire fuir toutes les dépressions d'été. Après des vacances à côté de la plage, entouré pour les amis, bien nourris par maman, etc., qui est vraiment motivé pour le retour au travaille ? Donc, pour quoi pas profiter du bon temps de Toulouse à l'été, du soleil, de la magnifique température et le merveilleux ambiance ? À Toulouse on peut faire plein choses, et encore plus, si on est bien établi depuis quelques années. Voilà cette semaine qui commençant par mardi.

Mardi --- On va bien ouvrir l'appétit au bar " Le Gigo". Bar situé à la place Victor Hugo, ambiance un peu jet -set, c.à.d, des hommes business vers la quarantaine, bien sûr avec cravate, un décor à la espagnole (c'est la mode en France), serveurs avenants et tapas dessin. Mais bravo, très bon et à un prix raisonnable !

- À table -

- Elles sont bien mangées ! -

Mercredi --- Il fait bon, soleil partout, allons-y, la barbecue obligé au court intérieur d'un bâtiment de la rue de Pergaminières.

- Torraeta de saucisses, merguez et chorizo -

- et petit repos après la bouffe -

Jeudi --- Eloi nous laisse pour s'aventurer à Sanghai. Fête de départ chez lui et mon ami, bonne chance, je n'ai pas doute que tu vas réussir.

- l'équipe vertirouge avec Eloi -

- Al rico appéro -

- Les cinq magnifiques sans pas trop cheveux -

Vendredi --- Anniversaire du copain d'Emilia, dans son jolie jardin aux alentours de Toulouse. Tortilla espagnole, poulet à l'aille, jambon espagnole, gazpacho andalu, ..., des enfants partout... !!! Ooooppss, pas de photos !

Sans doute, semaine enlève-dépressions ! Et le weekend à la plage... ! To be continued...


Some answers to the questions I got about this blog :

1.- Are the pictures that you display yours ?
Almost all photos I publish are taken with my humble camera and the photographer is usually me !

2.- I'm afraid of commenting something, everybody will read it...
That's not a problem ! All the contrary, please comment in any article you want, it can be something stupid, less stupid, whatever you have in your mind. Furthermore it can be totally anonymous and by commenting you help to become my blog more popular. So please, comment ! By the way, I don't earn a single eurocent with this blog. It is no my intention, I don't admit publicity.

3.- There are some stories which I'd like you'd write more, like "love pain".
Just drop me a mail and we'll see...

4.- How often do you write ?
Depending on the period, but I'll try to do it pretty often.

5.- Why do you write in several languages ?
Well, just to make it accesible to everybody. Anyhow, if you don't understand something I recommend you to use google translator tool. You'll have a very good approximated translation of the article !

Sunday, July 27, 2008

¡ Una de amigos con calamares !

Tesoros pueden haberlos muchos en la vida, de muy diferentes formas, gustos y colores. Algunos los llaman dinero, otros salud, otros amor, otros vacaciones... pero entre todos ellos yo me uno a aquellos que dicen "el mayor de mis tesoros son los amigos". Sin querer quitar ni un ápice de importancia a aquel tesoro que nos une por sangre con nuestros padres y nuestros hermanos, la familia, el que tiene un amigo tiene un tesoro. Y cuando digo "amigo" se comprende no aquella persona que te enaltece con su presencia cuando todo marcha sobre ruedas, sino entiéndase aquel sujeto que te aliviará y estará a tu lado en los momentos de dolor, desesperación, pánico, tristeza...

Hace unos días pasé una semana de vacaciones en Valencia. Allí volví a ver a algunos de estos que yo llamo "amigo". He aquí este artículo gráfico dedicado a todos ellos. ¡ Dese por aludido quien quiera !

Una de pizzas en la mansión del "jefe" del clan de los fabinos.

Ángel en una de sus actuaciones estelares

Inmita la dulce tomándose un limoncín en Play Puig beach

María conduciendo "el bólido" y desesperándose de camino a Toulouse

Y de camino a Toulouse, merendola a la valenciana, coca de llanda y yogurth hacendado

Y para finalizar, he aquí la sección especial "El Gito". Primeramente una demostración estelar de este pedazo de artista :

y aquí el talento de imitación de nuestro querido "El Lozi", bajo techo y en diferido :

y al aire libre y en directo :

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