Thursday, August 21, 2008


Destiny? Who does truly believe in it? I have to admit it. I'm one of those who believe that future is not written. I'd rather say that it's up to you the way you build up the road of your life. And only you have the power to modify it. Nevertheless, when some incredible coincidences come across the line of your life, when unbelievable things happen to you, then you may reformulate the answer to the destiny question. What if I'm wrong and destiny is just there ? What if an event happens because it has to happen ? Some of my personal examples just to think about it...

# Five years ago I found myself in the center of Vienna when suddenly somebody gently touched my back. Joaquín? What the ___ !!! He was a secondary-school mate, there, in the center of Vienna, after 13 years.

# A few years ago I received a phone call from a very old friend of mine. After 15 years with no news. Today we are good friends.

# Not long ago I jumped into a random tram, into a random wagon in Brussels and I found a friend from Russia ! What are you doing here ? Unbelievable, no way, embarrassing situation, I couldn't even remember her name. I should ask a mathematician for the probability to happen that meeting, that day, in that place, at that time with that person. I bet unbelievable low. But it happened !

# When all seems ready for my departure to rainy lands, then my nearly dreamed job come up in Lisbon. Why there ? Why now ? So what to do ?

# But my last unbelievable meeting just a couple of weeks ago have made me think about destiny. I was in the center of Warsaw, alone, walking around, random time, random walk. Then I decided to have a little break. The lighting was perfect for a nice picture. I'd like to take a picture of this place with me ! I raised my head, looked around me and I found somebody with big sunglasses not far from me. I'm going to ask her to take me a picture : "Please, would you mind to take me a picture ?" ; "Joaquin ?" ; "Ehrrrrrr??" She took off her sunglasses... Jesussssssss, no way, just impossible. I found Daniela, an Italian girl who I met once in a party and who I barely know but who I got to know much better that evening. And this meeting, for me is just incredible for many circumstances ! Why ? How is that possible ? Destiny ? Why ?
And here a couple of the pictures who certify my last random astonishing meeting !

Destiny ? Yes or not ???


Anonymous said...

Destiny? yes or not?
I know the answer... YES YES FOREVER YES
I am really glad that we've met randomly in Warsaw because I can really say that I have one more friend now!
I hope it was lucky sign for you ;))))
Hasta la vista amigo....wherever...

OrAnGe TuLiP said...

Yeah, still unbelievable !
Yes, definitely I'll agree with your answer !!! Of course it has to be a good sign for me ! Since the Warsaw meeting things are pretty ok ! :-)
See you in...

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