Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Zaragoza - EXPO 2008

Upon arrival to Zaragoza airport and later to the Expo, we discover that there is still lot of infrastructure meant to be done for this event, not finished yet. The most tragic exemple is the marvelous train station "Estacion de Delicias". Still under construction..., what will happen after the Expo ? What will happen with those luxurious hotels close to the airport which are not finished yet ? I hope Zaragoza has a ambitious plan post-expo.
And the expo... It was my first one, likely I had lot of expectations, because joined to the poor content of most of the "pabellones" (some of which were just a pure shop far from the topic of this expo), the organization was at some points catastrophic. We had appreciated more information. Dear folks, upon arrival remember to queue for the "fast ticket", without which you'll miss most of the sparse worth "pabellones". Germany was an exemple of a worth pabellon in harmony with the topic of the expo.
Food ? Well, expect a single-slice cheap jam sandwich if you choose the cheap option. Otherwise, a wonderful place is the Mexican bar at the first floor ground. Wow, really tasty original tapas with a cold Coronita. The atmosphere pretty nice, the fairground is done up for that and the main attraction, "La Torre del Agua"... dude, take it easy, you'll walk up for and endless corridor of 1.2 km, equivalent to a 20 stories building and what will you find up there ? Well, nothing, just a bar where you can quench you thirst... Then same way for walking down... disappointing though... From my humble point of view, the best is the night atmosphere, mainly around the concerts and shows that are programmed all around. Worth to go ? Why not if you live closeby, but definitely not if you have to travel long just for a single day in the expo.

Then, modernity, rush, crowd, hot, show, music, queues ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puede ser, que lo que pase con todas esas infraestructuras,acabadas o sin acabar: hoteles y demás, pienso, después de leer tu artículo, sea lo mismo que pasó con la Expo de Sevilla...
Pero como aquí se habrá invertido un mogollón de dinero del resto del Estado..., ¡no pasa nada Isidoro!,(que aquí nos votaron y el Sr. Alcalde, primo hermano del chófer del Conde Drácual),los usará para hospedar a los colegas del Partido en los Congresos....

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