Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The french Mediterranean, Canet plage and Collioure.

Have you ever visited the southern most part of the French Mediterranean coast ? Well, I'd say that it's worth to have a look ! For those who love virgin nature and quiet places this is not probably the best place where to go, 'cause all around you'll find many high-block buildings licking the sea shore. But where actually along the Mediterranean coast can you came across an untouched spot ? Likely nowhere, and nevertheless this is one of the most visited areas worldwide ! So, what's the secret ? Well, if you have never visited this part, go just once, and either you'll be astonished by the lively atmosphere, the beaches, the sun, the night promenades accompanied with the sea breeze, ..., or you'll just hate it, such amount of people !!!

Voilà a glance of Canet Plage and Collioure.

Canet Plage, what to say, I didn't like it, nothing special apart from the amazing beach of several tens of km non-stop. Perfect place to suntan and have a deserved holidays not further than beach-swimming pool-feeding yourself-muck around...

- Colourful photo in front of a portion of Canet Plage -

- Nice dinner with the traveling greek-english family, but horrible frozen fish. What did you expect at the first line of the beach ? -

- Self-photo with the irish army at the refreshing sea shore -

And then in summer, not even dare to take the small roads along the beach if your next destination is the quite well known town of Collioure. No, unless you like desperating traffic-jams at 35 degrees. You rather drive back to Perpignan and take the comfortable highroad to Collioure.
Well, you're arriving to Collioure, the town is down the mountains, the scenery quite beautiful. Upon arrival, first thing is how the hell to find a place to park the car... Sunday, summer, puffff... go far my friend and try not to lose your nerves. Because afterwards, Collioure is a very beautiful summer town, crowded by tourists (of course), but picturesque, plenty of nice corners worth to explore and with a transparent chilly water. Recommended yes !

- better use all kind of gadgets to protect yourself from the sun, or next day you'll seem a burnt prawn -

- the "old" town has lovely narrow and plenty of local color streets and corridors -

- " a la rica sangría de vivos colores " ! -

- Collioure, reality or postcard. Guess it ! -

Dépression post-vacances à Toulouse ???

Rien de mieux qu'une semaine plein d'évènements pour faire fuir toutes les dépressions d'été. Après des vacances à côté de la plage, entouré pour les amis, bien nourris par maman, etc., qui est vraiment motivé pour le retour au travaille ? Donc, pour quoi pas profiter du bon temps de Toulouse à l'été, du soleil, de la magnifique température et le merveilleux ambiance ? À Toulouse on peut faire plein choses, et encore plus, si on est bien établi depuis quelques années. Voilà cette semaine qui commençant par mardi.

Mardi --- On va bien ouvrir l'appétit au bar " Le Gigo". Bar situé à la place Victor Hugo, ambiance un peu jet -set, c.à.d, des hommes business vers la quarantaine, bien sûr avec cravate, un décor à la espagnole (c'est la mode en France), serveurs avenants et tapas dessin. Mais bravo, très bon et à un prix raisonnable !

- À table -

- Elles sont bien mangées ! -

Mercredi --- Il fait bon, soleil partout, allons-y, la barbecue obligé au court intérieur d'un bâtiment de la rue de Pergaminières.

- Torraeta de saucisses, merguez et chorizo -

- et petit repos après la bouffe -

Jeudi --- Eloi nous laisse pour s'aventurer à Sanghai. Fête de départ chez lui et mon ami, bonne chance, je n'ai pas doute que tu vas réussir.

- l'équipe vertirouge avec Eloi -

- Al rico appéro -

- Les cinq magnifiques sans pas trop cheveux -

Vendredi --- Anniversaire du copain d'Emilia, dans son jolie jardin aux alentours de Toulouse. Tortilla espagnole, poulet à l'aille, jambon espagnole, gazpacho andalu, ..., des enfants partout... !!! Ooooppss, pas de photos !

Sans doute, semaine enlève-dépressions ! Et le weekend à la plage... ! To be continued...


Some answers to the questions I got about this blog :

1.- Are the pictures that you display yours ?
Almost all photos I publish are taken with my humble camera and the photographer is usually me !

2.- I'm afraid of commenting something, everybody will read it...
That's not a problem ! All the contrary, please comment in any article you want, it can be something stupid, less stupid, whatever you have in your mind. Furthermore it can be totally anonymous and by commenting you help to become my blog more popular. So please, comment ! By the way, I don't earn a single eurocent with this blog. It is no my intention, I don't admit publicity.

3.- There are some stories which I'd like you'd write more, like "love pain".
Just drop me a mail and we'll see...

4.- How often do you write ?
Depending on the period, but I'll try to do it pretty often.

5.- Why do you write in several languages ?
Well, just to make it accesible to everybody. Anyhow, if you don't understand something I recommend you to use google translator tool. You'll have a very good approximated translation of the article !

Sunday, July 27, 2008

¡ Una de amigos con calamares !

Tesoros pueden haberlos muchos en la vida, de muy diferentes formas, gustos y colores. Algunos los llaman dinero, otros salud, otros amor, otros vacaciones... pero entre todos ellos yo me uno a aquellos que dicen "el mayor de mis tesoros son los amigos". Sin querer quitar ni un ápice de importancia a aquel tesoro que nos une por sangre con nuestros padres y nuestros hermanos, la familia, el que tiene un amigo tiene un tesoro. Y cuando digo "amigo" se comprende no aquella persona que te enaltece con su presencia cuando todo marcha sobre ruedas, sino entiéndase aquel sujeto que te aliviará y estará a tu lado en los momentos de dolor, desesperación, pánico, tristeza...

Hace unos días pasé una semana de vacaciones en Valencia. Allí volví a ver a algunos de estos que yo llamo "amigo". He aquí este artículo gráfico dedicado a todos ellos. ¡ Dese por aludido quien quiera !

Una de pizzas en la mansión del "jefe" del clan de los fabinos.

Ángel en una de sus actuaciones estelares

Inmita la dulce tomándose un limoncín en Play Puig beach

María conduciendo "el bólido" y desesperándose de camino a Toulouse

Y de camino a Toulouse, merendola a la valenciana, coca de llanda y yogurth hacendado

Y para finalizar, he aquí la sección especial "El Gito". Primeramente una demostración estelar de este pedazo de artista :

y aquí el talento de imitación de nuestro querido "El Lozi", bajo techo y en diferido :

y al aire libre y en directo :

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Barcelone en Juillet

Dans mon article précèdent j'ai dit quelque mot sur Barcelona. Il faut pas me mal interpréter ! Je pense que Barcelone est une jolie ville avec ses grandes monuments et avec une bonne planification structurelle. Ceux qui je n'aime pas sont ceux qui se félicitent de nommer à Barcelone comme la ville la plus"cosmopolite" d'Espagne. Oui, probablement c'est vrai, mais à mon avis trop, trop cosmopolite jusqu'au point de la faire parfois une pure attraction touristique. Franchement, il me manque l'ambiance espagnol, cet ambiance que l'étranger cherche quand arrive à Barcelone. Pour cela il faudra bien aller loin du centre. Barcelone est loin d'être synonyme de "toros", "paella" ou "flamenco". Ne le cherches pas ici car vous trouverez un truc purement désigné pour le touriste !!!
Par contre, Barcelone a beaucoup à offrir et de grande qualité grâce aux artistes qu'ont laissé un patrimoine d'incroyable richesse culturelle et architectonique. Tels sont les exemples que l'on peut trouver à Barcelone de Miró, Picasso, Ramon Casas, Domènech i Montaner ou bien sur, l'héritage de l'oeuvre de Gaudí. Alors quoi faire à Barcelone ? Voilà un plan intéressant pour deux jours et demi avec arrivée à la fin de l'après-midi :
Première demi journée, montée à Montjuïc avec sa superbe vue de Barcelone, puis visite au port commercial. Finir la journée en se laissent imprégner de l'ambiance de "las Ramblas", avec une visite au "Café de Fades" et un rafraîchissement à la Plaza Real.

La deuxième journée sera la plus intense. Commencer pour "El Barrio Gótico" ; visite à la cathédrale (quelque bougie à offrir aux nombreux Saints qui sculptent la cathédrale ?), laisser se perdre dans ses charmant rues étroites (shopping shopping), rejoindre las Ramblas et arriver à la Pza. de Catalunya. C'est le moment d'enfiler le "Paseo de Gracia", où trouverons plusieurs merveilles architectoniques, tels que "Casa Batlló" ou "Casa Milà" (La Pedrera). Ensuite on rentrera directe sur l'Eixample pour arriver à la majestueuse "Sagrada Familia". Pour quoi pas une petite sieste ? La journée devra continuer avec l'adorable "Parc Güell". Deuxième sieste ? De retour vers le centre, on pourra bien plonger dans les nombreux boutiques. Mon dieux, est-ce qu'il y avait des magasins de chaussures ?

Troisième journée ; on ira directe vers la Ciutadella, en traversant la charme des quartiers les plus anciens de Barcelone. Une fois là-bas, profiter d'un temps de repos à l'ombre sous l'abri d'un vieux arbre. Ensuite, déjeuner au port olympique et longer la mer en direction de la statue de Colon. Le soir, cette fois là avec l'aide d'un véhicule, visite au Tibidabo et couronner ce séjour avec un dîner "de tapas" à un bar submergé dans un quartier populaire. Il val vraiment la peine !!!
Intense ? Oui, très intense, mais il te permettra avoir une bonne impression de la charmant ville de Barcelone !

Demain, Toulouse !!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

¿ Valencia ?

¡ Qué Barcelona tiene La Sagrada Familia ! Sí. ¡ Qué Madrid es la capital ! Sí. ¿ Y qué ocurre con una ciudad con cada vez más nombre como es el caso de Valencia ? Cada vez que voy allí me topo con una ciudad moderna, vanguardista, que se mueve... No discuto la belleza de Barcelona, pero bajo mi humilde punto de vista, si el extranjero que viene a España busca el famoso ambiente español, Barcelona está lejos de ser el buen sitio. Paseando por las encantadoras Ramblas, es más fácil oir un "Today is tuesday" o "Ogi é mardi" o "Vandaag is dinsdag" que un "Hoy es martes". No discuto la grandiosidad de Madrid, pero le falta esa inmensa masa de agua que constituye el mar.

No quiero afirmar con rotundidad que Valencia sea la ciudad más bonita de España, pero eso sí, puedo afirmar que es una ciudad muy muy completa : sol, playa, mar, gastronomía, modernismo, historia, pubs por doquier, ciudad grande pero no gigante, una abrumadora Ciudad de las Ciencias, una zona marítima de ensueño, un zoo de primerísima generación, unas fiestas únicas... y un ambiente que desborda. ¿ Qué le quitaría y qué le pondría ? Pues bien señora alcaldesa, aprovéchese del buen clima de Valencia y el hecho de ser una ciudad plana, para quitar coches y más coches y dejar paso a bicis y más bicis.

Y las comparaciones son odiosas, pero dos eventos únicos de gran magnitud tendrán lugar próximamente en Valencia : El gran premio de Fórmula 1 en circuito urbano y segundo de la historia después de Montecarlo, dónde ayer tuve la oportunidad de realizar algunos giros con mi coche (la carne se te pone de gallina...), y un segundo sólo reservado para las grandes ciudades, un concierto del último world tour de la diva del pop mundial, Madonna. ¡¡ Allí estaré y os contaré !!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Zaragoza - EXPO 2008

Upon arrival to Zaragoza airport and later to the Expo, we discover that there is still lot of infrastructure meant to be done for this event, not finished yet. The most tragic exemple is the marvelous train station "Estacion de Delicias". Still under construction..., what will happen after the Expo ? What will happen with those luxurious hotels close to the airport which are not finished yet ? I hope Zaragoza has a ambitious plan post-expo.
And the expo... It was my first one, likely I had lot of expectations, because joined to the poor content of most of the "pabellones" (some of which were just a pure shop far from the topic of this expo), the organization was at some points catastrophic. We had appreciated more information. Dear folks, upon arrival remember to queue for the "fast ticket", without which you'll miss most of the sparse worth "pabellones". Germany was an exemple of a worth pabellon in harmony with the topic of the expo.
Food ? Well, expect a single-slice cheap jam sandwich if you choose the cheap option. Otherwise, a wonderful place is the Mexican bar at the first floor ground. Wow, really tasty original tapas with a cold Coronita. The atmosphere pretty nice, the fairground is done up for that and the main attraction, "La Torre del Agua"... dude, take it easy, you'll walk up for and endless corridor of 1.2 km, equivalent to a 20 stories building and what will you find up there ? Well, nothing, just a bar where you can quench you thirst... Then same way for walking down... disappointing though... From my humble point of view, the best is the night atmosphere, mainly around the concerts and shows that are programmed all around. Worth to go ? Why not if you live closeby, but definitely not if you have to travel long just for a single day in the expo.

Then, modernity, rush, crowd, hot, show, music, queues ...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Love pain

Pain caused by love, does it exist ?

Although it may be a topic of passionate discussion, you'll mostly agree with me that YES. It's sort of psychological pain but it also may yield physical problems, like lack of appetite, insomnia, depression, etc. In any case, it is popularly known as the "worst and most harmful pain" !

Let me tell you an extract of the story of a friend of mine, which is now deeply suffering this pain. Sometime ago, he met an extraordinary girl, with a blinding smile. Soon after their first meeting, they started a cute relationship. It was not just another relation to include in their lists, but they both thought that it could be an important, perhaps definitely one. Despite their similarities, they had some problems since they both wanted to impose the way the other had to be. After this, my dear friend had some doubts facing the intolerance of his girlfriend. However, he rapidly understood the sadness of his girlfriend at this situation, and he self-convinced that he had to fight if he wanted to construct something in his life. If my friend had stopped their relation at this stage, his girlfriend had likely suffered most of the pain. But soon after they concluded that they loved each other and that they had to join forces to make it work.

After some time, my friend became the problem and they reached their first big crisis. However, after some talk he engaged himself to change and make to his wonderful girl the happiest person in the world. From that moment, everything seemed to work very well. My friend gave for his first time his heart to a girl. In spite of all his previous relationships, he hadn't do it before, likely because his not easy way of life. From that moment, my dear friend started intensively to find the way to get closer to her (they were separated by many km as it happen with modern relations), the way they could see each other very often. What is more important, he started to plan his life in order to design a future which soon would bring them together, not in no matter which way, but with stimulating lives and jobs. And the day came when my friend, after all his amazing efforts, managed to be appointed for that new incredible job which would bring both of them happy and very close. Everything promised a wonderful future.

Nevertheless, the storm arrived the same day he was appointed for a new job. At night, when they used to speak, she planned to leave him. Unexpectedly, my friend experienced in the interval of 8 hours the terrific feeling from being the happiest person in the world to the saddest person over the earth ground. He confessed that the pain he felt is like that produced by the sharp blade of a knife.

Even though the conclusion for them might be that they are very similar, that they pursue kind of similar objectives in life, that they were looking for the same relation and even as a couple, they looked a pretty nice (even admitted by their respective friends), some obscure inspiration contaminated her suddenly. What a few weeks ago it wasn't even a tiny obstacle for her, now it became a big wall, what she was dreaming a few weeks before for him and their lives, now became a big problem for her... During this last stage, the pain sharpened, as coincidentally he discovered that a third person was involved...

My friend still thinks that this girl is probably unique, he admires her for her talent, for her way of being, for her intelligence, for her smile. However, hypothetically this girl clearly showed an important lack of maturity, she just gave up conditioned by the combination of her own soul and the third party. At her frustration for this failure, she hypothetically takes shelter at this new guy, making the pain even worse for him. Disappointment and wounded is as he feels.

My friend has now lost his smile, he is not the same, he suffers in silence and he feels the pain inside him like a person that has brutally being tabbed. So yes, the answer is yes, when I look at my friend and feel what he is going through, all the pain he is feeling under all these circumstances, then I'm sure he feels a distressing pain.

But I know my friend, he is really strong, he has a remarkable force to recover from all kind of situations, he has a beautiful smile too, he is enthusiastic and active and he'll go forward. My friend, I'm sure that, with the help of your friends (included myself), I'm sure you will overcome this terrible pain you feel. The destiny wanted them to continue being alive, and the same whimsical destiny might join them once again. And my friend, don't worry, live calm, you are a worthy person, she perhaps doesn't deserve you, not yet, but if she does, once she will come back to fix that coin of your heart that she has broken in so many pieces and that so much pain is producing you. Breath, chill out, be yourself and smile...

Now my friend,
good night,
sleep well,
and don't let the bugs bite you.

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