Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Georgie vs Russia (PART-1) : Russia, the impolite bad boy.

Russian A.P. entered into an armed conflict with Georgians A.P. justified by a supposed military Georgian A.P. agression to a pro-russian (with russians) region. But we all know how M. Saakashvili (Georgian President) childly took the bait thrown by Russians A.P. Russian P. tanks were waiting behind the Roki tunnel to Saakashvili order of entering into armed conflict in Ossetia and Abjazia territories. How can you explain that a good bunch of tanks and well trained russian A.P. army was just a few meters behind the internationally recognized border with Ossetia ? From Moscow (and from many military russian A.P. stations) to Ossetia there are many hundred of kms ! Tanks are not well known for their speed yet ! Too much suspicious... In any case, I can admit that it might be just purely speculation. In my humble opinion, Russian A.P. were just waiting patiently in their armchair the mistake of Saakashvili who has provoked such a mess.

Why should Russia A.P. be so interested at these "tiny" regions ? Why to trigger off an international crisis ? Is not Russia big enough to fight for just a few hundred of square kms ? This strategy has been very well planned :

- Firstly, Russian A.P. could justify his actions pointing back to the Kosovo speech.

- Secondly, Russian A.P. can rejustify his actions supporting an "humanitary action" against the georgian A.P. agression.

- Third, Russian A.P. have never accepted the dissolution of the ex-comunist imperium. Is it sort of the "bad loser" in many wars and they still hide some resentment. They live under the shade of US power. No doubt, another way to fjustify their presence over there.

- Fourth, they want to reafirmate as a very powerful and influencing country, and nothing can be done without taken into account Russians A.P.

- And finally and mainly, this is simply the war for the gas !

This war does not benefit anybody, but still less to all Russians. Russians A.P. know perfectly that nowadays they cannot face the duet EU/USA economically and militarly. Socially they'd have a big modern opposition tired of wars and far from the soviet feeling. It'd also be an important brake for the development of their economy. But Russians A.P. have been pretty intelligent, just pushing till the point of the provocation, unveiling EU disfonctionning in many points and proclaiming promises which not necessarely and have to be accomplished (the world of the diplomacy). I bet they won't fall off the cliff...

And who is the winner and who is the loser of this supposed "war" ? (in part II)

Monday, September 08, 2008

Toulouse à la nuit

Et comme complément de la beauté de Toulouse à la tombée du jour (, voilà des jolies vues vers le Pont Neuf et le centre ville depuis l'agréable Pont de St. Pierre. Qui a dit que Toulouse n'est pas romantique ?

Vue du Pont Neuf à la nuit imprégné de la fraîcheur de la Garonne

Un peu spectacle lumières

Le Pont Neuf qui change à rouge avec la lune comme témoine

L'art de ser valencià !

Podràs saber conduir o no, podràs tindre més o menys gust per vestir-te a la moda, podràs tindre més o menys ma per la cuina..., però el que és clar es que si ets nascut à València sabràs fer una paella ! Siga per la tradició, siga perque els valencians estén molt acostumats a la paella dels diumenges, de les falles o de les festes de qualsevol poble, siga pel que siga, però tot valencià sap fer una paella, o al menys té la recepta al cap, com part de la saviesa popular.

I que és la paella ? Quines son els seus ingredients ? Desgraciadament al estranger es pot veure tota classe d'aberració culinària con respecte a la susdita paella : xoriço, cigrons, salsitxa... Bufffff... No, no, no... I tampoc fa falta anar molt lluny per n'adonar-se que els mateixos espagnols no tenen molt clar el significat gastronòmic, cultural i social d'una paella. Encara pitjor, la paraula "paella" es mal-utilitzada per tot arreu, en Espagna i fora, com atractiu publicitari dels turistes i a vegades, els pobres, tenen que menjar una barreja de sobres del dia anterior. Per aquests "atrapa-turistes" sense escrúpols dins la paella es pot ficar de tot... Potser tots els espanyols es senten identificats amb el flamenc o els toros ? Potser els gallecs es senten identificats amb el gaspatxo o els andalusos amb les vieires ? Doncs moraleja, cadascú al seu !

I voilà aquí a que es pareix una deliciosa paella valenciana feta aquest ultim cap de setmana, amb els pocs ingredients que es poden trobar a Toulouse... Ni marisc, ni xoriço ni pebrot... només paella valenciana !

coent-se, prenent forma

llista per gaudir-ne

i per què no acabar amb un saborós postres de fruita mediterrania ?

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