Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A year off. New period.

More than a year has passed by since I wrote for the last time in this blog. The main reason was the end of my PhD. This is a very hard period, which many of the Dr. will understand very well. After that successful period I decided to take few months off to travel and learn a lot about the world. The experience has been extremely positive. I found many great things and people in my trips. Then I started working again in a new place, looked for a new house... More than a year has passed by.

In this new period of my blog I want to mainly write about my trips. Not only what I did or what beautiful monuments I saw, but rather than that my idea is giving tips based on my own experience, advices which you likely won't find in any other touristic guide. Welcome to this new period of my blog. I hope you like it !

1 comment:

madspoon said...

good man, good to see you back online dude. my blog is slightly different, an eclectic mix of poetry, articles and things i'd like to change about the world!

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