Sunday, July 30, 2006
Una bonita ruta pel Sud-Oest de Turquia
Com la majoria, comencarem la nostra aventura en Estambul, una ciutat d'unes dimensions difícils a imaginar. Des de l'aeroport es pot agafar el metro, que et pot portar fins a l'estació d'autobusos (Otogar) o prop del centre (Aksaray). Nosaltres vam arrivar fins a l'Otogar, ja que volíem anar directes a Izmir. Allí preparat per a ser abordat per molts turcs, que aparentment volen ajudar-te a trobar un bitllet. Fins i tot intentaran ajudar-te amb el teu equipatge. Es pot fer fastigós. El objectiu es que lis dones una propina (amb 5 TYL deuria ser suficient, encara que ells et demanaran més). Existeix una gran quantitat de companyies de bus. Les més eficients son Ulusoy i Varan. Son més cares que les altres, però no molt més, i et portaran en un bus d'un comfort, que difícilment trobaràs al teu païs!
Izmir; resulta impressionant la bahía tan gran que té. D'un extrem a l'altre transcurreixen molt kilòmetres, de forma que hi han mini-vaixells qui tallen pel mig, fent el camí molt més curt. Primera impressió: a l'Universitat no deixen barrejar nois amb noies. Deuen dormir en edificis separats, qui a més estan vigilats! Al centre es pot menjar acceptablement per menys de 5 euros! Després es pot fer la festa a un dels múltiples garitos nocturns que existeixen. A part del centre, resulta interessant agafar el telefèric i pujar fins a l'alt de la muntanya. La vista és fabulosa! També és de visita obligada el centre de Mevlana i, si fa molta calor, passar una vesprada al Aquapark d'Izmir.
D'Izmir podem dirigir-nos cap a Ozdere, una ciutat que no tindria res d'especial si no fora per les seues platges! Té uns bons kilòmetres al costat del mar, així com calitas d'aigua transparent. La ciutat és ideal per anar de compres, ja que els preus son molt reduïts i es pot trobar tota mena de souvenirs que cerquem. Prop d'Ozdere estan Ephesus i Sirince. Ephesus és una antiga ciutat romana. Resulta impressionant constatar la grandària d'aquesta antiga ciutat i vore la quantitat de ruïnes que hi han, amb un gran teatre romà. El dia es pot tancar amb una degustació de vins a Sirince, petit poble però molt acogedor i on pots comprar un souvenir dins una de les múltiples tendes qui hi han pel turista. Els preus poden generalment negociar-se!
El següent puesto, anant una mica cap al Sud, és donar-se una volta per Kusadasi. Aquest és un lloc molt turístic, on els preus s'incrementen considerablement, encara que és pot dormir a un hotel amb vistes al mar i amb desdejuni per només 6 euros! Per tenir una bona vista aura que pujar fins a la estàtua d'Ataturk. Però atenció, per anar allí tindrem que passar pels més modests blocs de vivendes, algunes molt pobres. Sense cap dubte, això crida l'atenció dels habitants d'aquella àrea. Et trobaràs normalment desbordat per molts xiquets que et portaran fins a la estàtua. Els crits i el alborot podríem fer-te sentir insegur! Durant el dia no deuria haver cap problema, ja que els homes estan treballant al poble, però millor anar amb companyia... Després es pot anar a una de les platges de Kusadasi. Generalment son molt petites i estan plenes plenes de gent. Es pot acabar el dia per una visita, més tranquil·la, al vell castell.
Pròxima parada: Tire, ara si, prepara't a viure la Turquia tradicional . Val la pena barrejar-se amb la cultura popular, comprar al bazar, fumar la pipa a un bar, anar al barber, visitar el carrers centrals... (llegir el blog baix). El final de la ruta ens pot portar a llocs més coneguts. El nostre camp podem plantar-ho a Fethiye. Però de camí (encara que no exactament), visita obligada a Pamukkale. És increïble. Si be també posseig moltes ruïnes, amb un teatre encara més impressionant que el de Ephesus, tot això es veu eclipsat pels banys naturals d'aigua carregada amb oxid-càlcic. Resulta impressionant, encara que uns anys darrere hi havia molta més aigua i tot el mon podia banyar-se. Ara només es pot fer dans certs piscines que es troben camí del descens...
Fethiye és conegut per les seues platges. El més tradicional és rentar un vaixell (12 islands trip), que et portarà fins a unes cales d'aigues transparents i on pots fer una banyada. A més els vaixells venen equipats d'un bon equip de música i de restaurant, que et farà sentir-te com un rei per algunes hores! A una hora de Fethiye en bus es troba Saklikent, un altre puesto molt conegut ja que aquí es pot trobar un paratge natural impressionant. Manantial natural d'aigües, es pot passejar per unes gargantes molt estretas al mateix temps que chapotant aigua barrejada amb terrissa i que diuen molt sa! L'altre puesto obligat és Dalyan. D'aquí es pot anar fins a les platges d'Oludeniz, inclòs el Blue Lagoon, un lloc imposant, on les altes muntanyes arriven fins a la mateixa vorera del mar i el llac i, formen un lloc molt bonic. Per passar al Blue Lagoon es deu pagar un petita entrada. Per acabar el periple en el Sud-Oest de Turquia es pot agafar un altre vaixell qui et portarà dins un parc natural de canyes, on si tens molta sort podràs vore una tortuga, passaràs per les Rocky Tombs i et portarà fins altres platges molt boniques fins al migdia. Després un restaurant pel camí i parada final als banys de terrissa. Allí flotaràs en la terrissa, encara que el olor siga molt dolent, com a ou podrit! No obstant la terrissa amb les aigües termals deurien deixar-te la pell molt suau...
Aquest trajecte es pot fer en dos setmanes, encara que siga intens val la pena i farà del teu viatge pel Sud-Oest de Turquia un viatge inolvidable !
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tire, straight to the traditional Turkey
This is the first time I step on turkish lands and honestly, it has caused an important feeling on myself. Let's forget the touristic Turkey, with sandy beaches, transparent waters and done up for 'the rich tourist'. Instead let's get deep into the turkish lifestyle and let's gonna spend some days in some traditional cities, such as Ozdere or Tire. Tire is a small city, with a population of less than 50.000 people.
It is a very conservative, muslim town. The first cultural shock was when girls of our group were asked by our turkish friends to wear moderate clothes, nothing of low-cut shirts or mini-skirts. It is not banned, but it respects the local dress-style. Actually, the superiority of men, at women's detriment, it is still imposed at this town. Women wear mostly shawl, only a few of them work, they are prohibited to go to bars, which are men-exclusive. Previous agreement with the owner of a very centrally situated bar, we got into one of these bars with the girls of our group. We could check the complains of some old men, but that was all... In these bars men smoke water-pipes, drink a turkish coffee or thee, or just look what is going on outside. If you try to find accomodation with a large group of people in a public institution (such as the University), be ready to be separated in different building boys and girls, with the impossibility to adventure incursion at women's building, which is surveilled...
At this city, as in many others around, the most ancient jobs can still be contemplated: horseshoe-maker, carpet and handmade gift makers and specially it results relatively easy to find a barber! Yes, they are practically extinguished in Western-Europe, but in Turkey is pretty easy to find them. Some of us got a raze-shave. Wow! How much would you pay for a delicate hand shave, included face creams, perfumes, hairbrush, taking away ugly face hairs, tidy the neck hair contour, face massage and if you are lucky, as I was, shoulder and arms massage simultaneously by three persons? Furthermore, turkish coffee and cigarette included. Well, I'd probably pay around 10 euros. We just paid 2.5 TYL (1.2 euros) !!!
Turkish bazar are like our street markets. However they are specially good concerning spices, fruits and vegetables. Prices result derisory for western-europe citizens. For example, for a few saffron threads we'd pay around 1 euro. In Tire we got for the same price natural saffron enough for cooking for at least two years. A kilo of excellent quality apricots or cherries cost also 1 euro. And what to say about items of clothes... Markets are, moreover, popular and very big for the town size. Everything is negotiable not only in markets, but at every regular shop. At the moment that shopkeepers notice you are foreigner they might try to benefit by increasing the price of the item. A friend of mine paid 1.5 TYL for a half-liter EFES bier in a normal shop. Three minutes later I had to pay 2.5 TYL for the same bier in the same place. Worth anyway!
In general people results to be very cordial. The Tire major welcomed us in his office and asked us about our opinion of what could be improved in the city. Local people use to look at you as if you were a sort of alien. Don't take it badly, since they are not used to see people like us. It is also remarkable the amount of inhabited buildings which are not completely finished, or those which only the framework is build up! The lack of money seems to be the main reason, but a tax trick seems also to be behind this. Traffic is wild, no rules, no clear traffic signs, people loves tooting horns all around...
Turkish celebrate boys circumcision in style. The boy, dressed with traditional clothes, is driven through the city with half of his body off the window, while everybody waves and toot car-horns. A food-music party follows this ritual. Turkish love natural yogurth in every meal. Don't miss Ayran, a sort of salty milk, which however is healthy and particularly I found pleasant.
If it is the first time you get into a muslim country, you'll be astonished by the imam chants at every mosque. They do it five times per day during a few minutes and the chant can be listened all around the neighbourhood. Specially charming seems to hear it at 5:00 AM, when there are no other background noises, from the top of a Tire hill, with the echo of all different chants. Really astonishing and beauty. Maybe those who live next to a mosque do not share this opinion...
Don't waste your time looking for a bowl water, meaning that place where you sit down, maybe read the journal or smoke a cigarette and has as objective defecate. Usually you'll come across a hole and a water jug, which is supposed to be used to clean your bottom. With what? Guess it... A final curiosity of this peculiar city: old men play also a game, which combines features of marbles and 'petanca' game, and supposed to have the origen in Spain.
My opinion is that nothing can result charmer than spend a few days under real turkish life. You'll get a strong impression of many things, you may have the feeling of going back 30 years back on time, but you may love it and will help you to appreciate all that you possess.
It is a very conservative, muslim town. The first cultural shock was when girls of our group were asked by our turkish friends to wear moderate clothes, nothing of low-cut shirts or mini-skirts. It is not banned, but it respects the local dress-style. Actually, the superiority of men, at women's detriment, it is still imposed at this town. Women wear mostly shawl, only a few of them work, they are prohibited to go to bars, which are men-exclusive. Previous agreement with the owner of a very centrally situated bar, we got into one of these bars with the girls of our group. We could check the complains of some old men, but that was all... In these bars men smoke water-pipes, drink a turkish coffee or thee, or just look what is going on outside. If you try to find accomodation with a large group of people in a public institution (such as the University), be ready to be separated in different building boys and girls, with the impossibility to adventure incursion at women's building, which is surveilled...
At this city, as in many others around, the most ancient jobs can still be contemplated: horseshoe-maker, carpet and handmade gift makers and specially it results relatively easy to find a barber! Yes, they are practically extinguished in Western-Europe, but in Turkey is pretty easy to find them. Some of us got a raze-shave. Wow! How much would you pay for a delicate hand shave, included face creams, perfumes, hairbrush, taking away ugly face hairs, tidy the neck hair contour, face massage and if you are lucky, as I was, shoulder and arms massage simultaneously by three persons? Furthermore, turkish coffee and cigarette included. Well, I'd probably pay around 10 euros. We just paid 2.5 TYL (1.2 euros) !!!
Turkish bazar are like our street markets. However they are specially good concerning spices, fruits and vegetables. Prices result derisory for western-europe citizens. For example, for a few saffron threads we'd pay around 1 euro. In Tire we got for the same price natural saffron enough for cooking for at least two years. A kilo of excellent quality apricots or cherries cost also 1 euro. And what to say about items of clothes... Markets are, moreover, popular and very big for the town size. Everything is negotiable not only in markets, but at every regular shop. At the moment that shopkeepers notice you are foreigner they might try to benefit by increasing the price of the item. A friend of mine paid 1.5 TYL for a half-liter EFES bier in a normal shop. Three minutes later I had to pay 2.5 TYL for the same bier in the same place. Worth anyway!
In general people results to be very cordial. The Tire major welcomed us in his office and asked us about our opinion of what could be improved in the city. Local people use to look at you as if you were a sort of alien. Don't take it badly, since they are not used to see people like us. It is also remarkable the amount of inhabited buildings which are not completely finished, or those which only the framework is build up! The lack of money seems to be the main reason, but a tax trick seems also to be behind this. Traffic is wild, no rules, no clear traffic signs, people loves tooting horns all around...
Turkish celebrate boys circumcision in style. The boy, dressed with traditional clothes, is driven through the city with half of his body off the window, while everybody waves and toot car-horns. A food-music party follows this ritual. Turkish love natural yogurth in every meal. Don't miss Ayran, a sort of salty milk, which however is healthy and particularly I found pleasant.
If it is the first time you get into a muslim country, you'll be astonished by the imam chants at every mosque. They do it five times per day during a few minutes and the chant can be listened all around the neighbourhood. Specially charming seems to hear it at 5:00 AM, when there are no other background noises, from the top of a Tire hill, with the echo of all different chants. Really astonishing and beauty. Maybe those who live next to a mosque do not share this opinion...
Don't waste your time looking for a bowl water, meaning that place where you sit down, maybe read the journal or smoke a cigarette and has as objective defecate. Usually you'll come across a hole and a water jug, which is supposed to be used to clean your bottom. With what? Guess it... A final curiosity of this peculiar city: old men play also a game, which combines features of marbles and 'petanca' game, and supposed to have the origen in Spain.
My opinion is that nothing can result charmer than spend a few days under real turkish life. You'll get a strong impression of many things, you may have the feeling of going back 30 years back on time, but you may love it and will help you to appreciate all that you possess.
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