And finally they got an agreement... Spain is going to sell military material to Venenzuela. And I don't say construct, because the most important components, engine and avionics, will be done in Germany and France. Spain will have the honour to mount all the structure of the planes and boats and, become commissioners of French and Germans. We not even use our right to fabricate high-tech components, not for this deal, but for a really big contract with Airbus.
Zapatero, once more, has been able to use his delicate exquisiteness to put us against EEUU, as he did when, childlike, he didn't get up when the American flag passed in front of his face in Madrid. But despite this, despite that anti-Americanism which he proudly shows off, despite his unique skills to break sharply the relations with the most powerful economy of the globe, despite that, I have to get up and dedicate a noisy clap to the current Spanish government. They have been able to hold and achieve an important contract, which will create several hundreds of employments and will give life for a few years else to some Spanish shipyards.
However, when I look further I wonder if it is really such a good deal: The diplomatic relations with EEUU are getting even colder, altough Moratinos has the rudeness to say that they are fluid and better than ever. Instead we earn 'democratic' friends like Chavez and Castro. American investments, which suppose the 6% of the PIB, are held up and difficult to envisage new ones (as example remember what happened with the boycott to the Catalan cava).
Is it that good ? Bravo Zapatero ...